Monday, January 17, 2011

Year End Show Postings on Thumbdrive for Fine Arts Showcase

Please select your top 3 photo's and Place them on the thumb drive circulating in the classroom. You must save them as a JPG don't forget to rename them title your picture and put your name under it. These must be placed on the thumbdrive by Wednesday. The pictures will be shown in Mrs. Pye's room durring the fine art show case on Thursday January 20th .

*Also just a reminder all photos are due no later than Thursday Jan 20th

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Photo of the Week "planes, trains, and automobiles"

Remember be creative try looking at your subject in a different way then you generally look at it. Make it interesting with different perspectives. Use the different functions on your camera to create interest. Remember your image does not have to contain the your subject as a whole. It can be a study of portions as well.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hey Guys Checkout these fantastic examples of movement

Project # 9 Surealism

Using what you have learned about selecting and altering objects in a photograph and what you have learned about surrealism. You will create a surreal image by collaging together parts of your own digital photography.

Surealism Definition

  1. A 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.
  2. Literature or art produced in this style.
Criteria for assignment
 (must have 3 modified photographes) Total 45 marks

1. All photo's must be orriginal pictures that you took this semester.
2. your image must contain THREE or more digital Photos. I will allow ONE aquired photo for effect.
3. You must show evidence in your image that you know how to: rotate, crop, distort, the image.
4.You must indicate a clear depth of field using, fore ground, mid ground and background.

 Go to the following sights to see some great examples of surrealism.

Monday, December 6, 2010

When Posting Projects you Must!

Just a reminder when you are posting your projects you must label each picture with the assignment criteria
        For Example:                                                 Texture